U of u chemistry major requirements
A. CHEM/BCHM Requirements. (33 Credits Total)
General and Analytical Chemistry with Lab. (9 Credits) a
- CHEM 131 AND CHEM 177 Gen. Chemistry I (5)
- CHEM 271 AND CHEM 272 Gen. and Analytical Chem. II (4)
Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 Credits) b
- CHEM 231 AND CHEM 232 Organic Chem. I (4)
- CHEM 241 AND CHEM 242 Organic Chem. II (4)
Physical Chemistry (3 Credits) c
- CHEM 480 Principles Physical Chemistry (3)
Biochemistry (3 Credits) d
- BCHM 461 Biochemistry I (3)
Upper Level Lab (3 Credits) e
- BCHM 477 Biomolecular Measurement and Data Analysis (3)
Inorganic Chemistry (3 Credits)
- CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic (3)
Upper Level CHEM/BCHM Elective (3 Credits)
- (e.g. BCHM 462, BCHM 465, CHEM 460, CHEM 433)
Professional Development Seminar (1 Credit)
- CHEM 395 (1) Prof. Issues Chem. Biochem.
B. Supporting Courses (19 Credits total)
Mathematics (8 Credits) f
- MATH 135 Discrete Math for Life Sci. (4)
- MATH 136 Calculus for Life Sci. (4)
Physics (8 Credits) g
- PHYS 131 Physics Life Sci. I (4)
- PHYS 132 Physics Life Sci. II (4)
Lower Level STEM Elective (3 Credits)
- e.g. BSCI 170, GEOL 120, ENES 100, CMSC 125, ASTR 120, MATH 24X, or as approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
C. General Education including UNIV100 or equivalent. (31 Credits total)
- See the Undergraduate Catalog for current Gen Ed. requirements.
D. Electives (37 Credits)
(a) Students who take CHEM 132 instead of CHEM 177 must take CHEM 277
(b) CHEM 237 AND CHEM 247
(c) CHEM 481 AND (CHEM 482 OR BCHM 485)
(e) CHEM 425 OR BCHM 464 OR (CHEM 483 AND CHEM 484)
(f) MATH 140 AND MATH 141 (note: MATH 135 and 136 will NOT count for BS option)
(g) PHYS 161 AND PHYS 260/1 (note: PHYS 130 and 131 will NOT count for BS option)
BS in CHEMISTRY Requirements
A. CHEM/BCHM Requirements. (42 Credits total)
General Chemistry with Lab. (10 Credits)
- CHEM 146 AND CHEM 177 Gen. Chemistry I (5)
- CHEM 276 AND CHEM 277 Gen. Analytical Chemistry II (5)
Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 Credits)
- CHEM 237 Organic Chem. I (4)
- CHEM 247 Organic Chem. II (4)
Physical Chemistry with Lab (10 Credits)
- CHEM 481 AND CHEM 483 Physical Chem. I (5)
- CHEM 482 AND CHEM 484 Physical Chem. II (5)
Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4 Credits)
- CHEM 425 Instrumental Analysis (4)
Inorganic Chemistry (3 Credits)
- CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic (3)
Upper Level CHEM/BCHM Elective (6 Credits)
- (e.g. BCHM 461, BCHM 463, CHEM 460, CHEM 433)
Professional Development Seminar. (1 Credit)
- CHEM395 Prof. Issues Chem. Biochem.
B. Supporting Courses (23 Credits total)
Mathematics (12 Credits)
- MATH 140 Calculus I (4)
- MATH 141 Calculus II (4)
- MATH 241 Calculus III (4)
Physics with Lab (7 Credits)
- PHYS 161 Gen. Phys. Mech. and Particle Dyn. (3)
- PHYS 260 AND PHYS 261 Gen. Phys. Waves (4)
Biological Sciences (4 Credits)
- BSCI 170 AND BSCI 171 Pr. Molecular and Cellular Biol. (4)
C. General Education including UNIV100 or equivalent. (31 Credits total)
- See the Undergraduate Catalog for current Gen Ed. requirements.
D. Electives (24 Credits)
BS in Biochemistry Requirements
A. CHEM/BCHM Requirements. (43 Credits total)
General Chemistry with Lab. (10 Credits)
- CHEM 146 AND CHEM 177 Gen. Chemistry I (5)
- CHEM 276 AND CHEM 277 Gen. Analytic Chemistry II (5)
Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 Credits)
- CHEM 237 Organic I (4)
- CHEM 247 Organic II (4)
Physical Chemistry with Lab (8 Credits)
- CHEM 481 Physical Chemistry I (3)
- BCHM 485 Physical Biochem. (3)
- CHEM 483 Physical Chemistry I Lab (2)
Analytical Chemistry with Lab (4 Credits)
- CHEM 425 Instrumental Analysis (4)
Biochemistry with Lab (12 Credits)
- BCHM 461 Biochemistry I (3)
- BCHM 462 Biochemistry II (3)
- BCHM 464 Biochemistry Lab (3)
- BCHM 465 Biochemistry III (3)
Professional Development Seminar. (1 Credit)
- CHEM 395 Prof. Issues Chem. Biochem. (1)
B. Supporting Courses (30 Credits total)
Mathematics (12 Credits)
- MATH 140 Calculus I (4)
- MATH 141 Calculus II (4)
- MATH 241 Calculus III (4)
Physics with Lab (7 Credits)
- PHYS 161 Gen. Phys. Mech. and Particle Dyn. (3)
- PHYS 260 AND PHYS 261 Gen. Phys. Waves (4)
Biological Sciences (12 Credits)
- BSCI 170 AND BSCI 171 Pr. Molecular and Cellular Biol. (4)
- Lower Level Biology Elective (4)
- Upper Level Biology Elective (4)
C. General Education including UNIV100 or equivalent. (31 Credits total)
- See the Undergraduate Catalog for current Gen Ed. requirements.
D. Electives (16 Credits)