TEAS Study Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Test


Do you want to be a nurse? Then you’ll need to take the TEAS test. In this article, we’ll cover what the TEAS exam is, who takes the TEAS test, and give you a mini TEAS study guide so you’re ready to pass your test.

What Is the TEAS Test?

TEAS stands for Test of Essential Academic Skills. The TEAS test is a standardized test used to determine whether you’re ready to enroll in a healthcare-related program. Your TEAS score is one part of your application for nursing school.

Who Takes the TEAS Test?

People who take the TEAS test are preparing to apply for nursing school or another health-care related program. The TEAS exam is a standardized test, but it’s not ubiquitously required at all nursing programs. Like the SAT or ACT, individual nursing programs can choose whether or not they require candidates to submit TEAS scores.

Some nursing programs require TEAS test scores, while others require scores from the NET, HESI, or just SAT or ACT scores. Typically, undergraduate programs require the TEAS test, while associate’s programs just require your GPA. That being said, you should confirm your program of choice’s requirements before applying.

Applying to nursing school can be extremely competitive, so having a high TEAS score can help you appear more attractive as an applicant. A high TEAS score, combined with great recommendations and a solid GPA, will make your nursing school application stand out to an admissions committee.

TEAS Exam Format and Scoring

The TEAS exam has four components outlined in the chart below.

Subject Number of Questions Time Allotted Content Tested
Reading 53 64 Areas assessed include key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas.
Mathematics 36 54 Areas assessed include numbers, algebra and data interpretation and measurement.
Science 53 63 Areas assessed include human anatomy and physiology, life and physical sciences, and scientific reasoning.
English Language 28 28 Areas assessed include conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language and vocabulary acquisition.
Total Exam 170 questions 216 minutes

When you take the TEAS exam, you’ll receive a Total Score, Content Area scores (Reading, Math, Science, and English) and Sub-Content Area Scores (such as Key Ideas, Details, Craft, and Structure). Each score type ranges from 0 to 100%, but all are calculated differently.

Your Total Score (also referred to as your Composite Score) is your main TEAS exam score. Your Composite Score is what most programs will look at to determine eligibility. You’ll typically need to score at least 70% on your Composite, or Total, Score to be a competitive candidate at most nursing programs. Some schools also look specifically at your Reading Comprehension Content Area score.

Every school has different admission requirements, though, so it’s best to check to see what they are before applying.

Is the TEAS Test Hard?

Just like the SAT or ACT, the TEAS exam tests material that you should have learned during high school. You’re not expected to know any advanced or college-level material.

That being said, some people do find the TEAS test difficult. Some people struggle with standardized tests in general, so they have a hard time taking the TEAS exam. Others struggle because the TEAS exam covers a wide variety of topics, from reading to math.

The TEAS exam is designed to be rigorous because nursing school is rigorous. The difficulty of the test allows nursing schools to assess whether or not you’re prepared for their program. While the concepts it tests might be simple, the questions themselves vary in difficulty.

TEAS Study Guide: Sample Questions

There are many resources to help you prepare for the TEAS Exam. Check out our article on TEAS practice tests to learn more. Below, you can find sample questions for each of the sections of the TEAS Exam.

TEAS Study Guide: Sample Reading Question

Answer the question that follows.

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community, but don’t know where to start? One of the best ways you can invest in the future of your community is by helping to better educate our youngsters. Schools are under-funded, and even talented teachers are beset with the growing pressure of helping students without enough resources. With our group-funding program, you can go online and look through thousands of teacher programs that are looking for funding. These programs were designed by teachers who know what they need to help their students succeed. Very rarely do you get the chance to donate money and know exactly where your money is going. Donate today and help change the lives of a classroom of students in your community.

Which of the following is a unique benefit of this group-funding program?

A. The donation is tax-deductible.

B. Your donation helps others.

C. You can know where your money goes.

d. You can help train new teachers

TEAS Study Guide: Sample Math Question

Simplify the expression below. Which of the following is correct?